gregorc style delineator experiment*
Last class we did another cognitive experiment to find out what each of our learning styles were. There are 4 styles altogether that make up the Gregorc model of the mind:
1. Concrete Sequential (CS)
2. Abstract Random (AR)
3. Abstract Sequential (AS)
4. Concrete Random (CR)
The "concrete" and "random" parts of the model are the 2 perceptual qualities, while the "sequential" and "random" parts are 2 ordering abilities, quoted from Mills's website:
Concrete: This quality enables you to register information directly through your five senses: sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing. When you are using your concrete ability, you are dealing with the obvious, the "here and now." You are not looking for hidden meanings, or making relationships between ideas or concepts. "It is what it is."
Abstract: this quality allows you to visualize, to conceive ideas, to understand or believe that which you cannot actually see. When you are using your abstract quality, you are using your intuition, your imagination, and you are looking beyond what is to the more subtle implications. "It is not always what it seems."
Random: Lets your mind organize information by chunks, and in no particular order. When you are using your random ability, you may often be able to skip steps in a procedure and still produce the desired result. You may even start in the middle, or at the end, and work backwards. You may also prefer your life to be more impulsive, or spur of the moment, than planned.
The instructions of the test were to look at lists of words, composed of 4 words each, and rank them from 1 to 4 according to how accurately the word describes our true Self. Therefore, the word ranked 4 will be most like us and 1 the least like us, and we tried to do them quickly and mostly on our first instinct. Then we added our numbers and mine were:
CS: 25 , AR: 25 , AS: 26 , CR: 24
I was very surprised with my scores, because they were close to an equal 25 in all 4 styles of learning. Although I think I am more of a concrete sequential person than any other style, the results show that I am pretty much balanced in learning styles. Surprisingly not one single person got abstract sequential in our class, and I scored in it highest just by one point, so I joined the concrete sequential group because I think I belong more in there. We looked up the characteristics of CS people, and found:
What Do They Do Best?
Apply ideas in a practical way
Fine-tune ideas to make them more efficient
Produce concrete products from abstract ideas
Work well within time limits
What Makes Sense to Them?
Working systematically, step by step
Paying close attention to details
Having a schedule to follow
Literal interpretations
Knowing what’s expected of them
Routines, established ways of doing things
What’s Hard For them?
Working in groups
Discussions that seem to have no specific point
Working in an unorganized environment
Following incomplete or unclear directions
Working with unpredictable people
Dealing with abstract ideas
Demands to "use your imagination"
Questions with no right or wrong answers
What Questions Do They Ask While Learning?
"What are the facts I need?"
"How do I do it?"
"What should the result look like?"
"When is it due?"
Overall I feel like most of these points describe who I am because I don't like thinking about things that don't have a literal or concrete meaning because I want complete answers about everything; unexplained things frustrate me. I also like to do things step by step instead of randomly jumping around in an illogical way... and I think I am pretty organized with my stuff and my studies. However I don't think I have that much difficulty working in groups; I actually enjoy sharing the thoughts and working together. But I sometimes do get annoyed with unpredictable people so I guess it's true. However, I really enjoy art class because I guess it's a time where you can use your imagination to create whatever you like. Lastly, the last point "when is it due?" is extremely...very true.
Well done Yuki, a comprehensive response to the Learning Styles test. It does seem to fit you quite well.
1:01 PM
wow~ yuki your scores are fairly close to 25...
i think the descriptions really fit you
2:15 PM
I find that this test does describe you. Scoring a balanced score is actually better than excelling in only one way.
2:21 PM
The fact that you are the only one in class that really get the balanced score is actually a good thing, since it means you can adapt to any of the styles. I think it fits you as well.
6:50 PM
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